Citrix ShareFile : Check-in/Check-out

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During the month, we will present you features that are undeniable assets of the ShareFile solution. As a reminder, ShareFile is a solution for sharing and storing documents based on Citrix technology. A real alternative to Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive, the solution can be hosted either in the KissLabs datacenter in Switzerland or directly On-premises by integrating perfectly with existing infrastructures.

ShareFile also offers users the ability to extract files and archive them when they finish their work. Other users receive a notification telling them which user extracted the file and for how long.



KissFile - Citrix ShareFile - Check out


Check-out will automatically expires after 24 hours if you have not previously checked-in. You can also cancel the extraction if you wish.


KissFile - Citrix ShareFile - Check In

KissFile - Citrix ShareFile - Check in

When a user retrieves a file, he can download, share, and copy the file. On the other hand, he can not edit, move, delete and sign the document that avoids conflicts between versions.

This feature addresses the following issues:

  • « Our teams do not always work on the latest version of the document! »
  • « We lost billable hours because we worked on one file and the versions crashed »
  • « We do not collaborate solely through Microsoft Exchange »

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